Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia - Our Standards
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Our Standards

The Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia has published a range of information that guide registered practitioners.

The guidance is broadly divided into two categories, professional practice guidance and the requirements for initial and ongoing registration.

Professional practice guidance

Professional practice guidance and Oher Information describe a registered practitioner's professional obligations for good, safe, contemporary practice in the profession.

Professional capabilities
What you must be able to do to practise safely and professionally.

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Code of conduct
The Board has expectations about practitioner behaviour and what is good practice.

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Registration standards

The Board must develop and recommend to Ministerial Council mandatory registration standards for professional indemnity arrangements, criminal history, continuing professional development, minimum English skills, and recency of practice in the profession.

Continuing professional development
To stay registered, you must complete annual professional development.

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Criminal history
Criminal history in any country or a change in your circumstances must be declared.

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English language skills
These requirements apply to all practitioners applying for initial registration.

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Professional indemnity insurance
You cannot practise without appropriate insurance cover.

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Recency of practice
Setting recency requirements helps to protect the public.

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Supervised practice
Information to support practitioners doing a supervised practice program.

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Other information

Registered practitioners have legal and professional obligations under the National Law.1 Resources have been developed to help practitioners understand these obligations.

Social media
Guidance to help understand your online obligations.

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Advertising a regulated health service
Your legal obligations when advertising a regulated health service.

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Other polices and statements
Further guidance to help you understand Board expectations and requirements.

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Mandatory notifications
You have obligations to report specific practitioner behaviour.

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1 The Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law).

Page reviewed 13/12/2022